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See It Saw It

January 18, 2004.

SYNOPSIS In the village of Much Jollity on the Mirth, the King and his Jesters, See and Saw, help young viewers learn new words. Also appearing in this children's television program is Sylvester McCoy as the very, very old Lord High Chamberlain. He tries to help the King out, but usually gets things wrong.

The children watching the program live are on a giant see saw. Whenever the King shows them a video clip, they have to decide on an answer by running from one side of the see saw to the other. The sketches themselves don't star the King and his subjects, but the actors in other roles.

REVIEW Yes, this program is for children a bit younger than I am. But it was certainly fun to see McCoy in yet another interesting role. And in one of the stories, he played the part of the King's Aunt Grizelda. This is probably the funniest episode I'd seen. Just seeing Sylv playing the spoons while wearing a dress and funny glasses... Ah well, guess you had to be there.

PRODUCTION INFO Produced by Brechin Productions Limited in 1999. See their Official Site here. Originally shown on BBC1.

AVAILABILITY Currently not available on video. The show has been repeated on BBC2. No news on a third season yet.

SOUNDS As with all my wavs, I have compressed and uncompressed versions.

For the regular 11,025 Hz, 16 bit, Mono sounds, click on the Regular button. For the compressed MPEG Layer-3 sounds, click on the Compressed button.

Lord High Chamberlain
Regular Compressed KING: "Lord High Chamberlain, make him a peer."
CHAMB: "Shazaam! There he is, he's been there all the time, your lordship."
Regular Compressed "I know when I'm getting the brush off."
Regular Compressed "I coulda been someone. I coulda been a contender."
Regular Compressed "I don't know what's palatable."
Regular Compressed "I'm all washed out. Can I go off to sleep now your lord high-wish-ness?"
Regular Compressed "Oh I don't know. A blame workman always blames his tools."
Regular Compressed "Very well, sir."
Aunt Grizelda
Regular Compressed "Kissy! Kissy!"
Regular Compressed "Come here and stand on that stool!"
Regular Compressed AUNT: "Now I want you to recite the names of the kings and queens of our sovereign nation, the dates when they succeeded to the throne, and where neccessary, their claims to the throne."
KING: "D'do I have to?"
AUNT: "Well, if the royal family don't know these things, how do we expect anyone else to?"
Regular Compressed AUNT playing the spoons.
KING: "How on EARTH am I going to get rid of her?"
Regular Compressed "Who told you that one?"
Regular Compressed "No-ooo no no no, I don't know him."
Regular Compressed "Fun, fun! Well, I think we've had enough fun. Now it's time I should leave."
Regular Compressed AUNT: "You've been telling little fibs! And so there's only one punishment for you. And that is... The Spoons!"
KING: "Oh no! Not the spoons!"

All See It Saw It images and sounds are © Brechin Productions Limited. Check out the official site here.

Sylvester McCoy, the Lord High Chamberlain.

Sylvester McCoy, the Lord High Chamberlain.

The Lord High Chamberlain helps the King.

The Lord High Chamberlain helps the King.

Aunt Grizelda arrives.

Aunt Grizelda arrives.

Aunt Grizelda gets something...

Aunt Grizelda gets something...

The Spoons!

The Spoons!

Aunt Grizelda plays on the King's head.

Aunt Grizelda plays on the King's head.

Check out these eyes!

Check out these eyes!

Aunt Grizelda isn't happy.

Aunt Grizelda isn't happy.

A surprised Aunt Grizelda.

A surprised Aunt Grizelda.

Aunt Grizelda decides to go home.

Aunt Grizelda decides to go home.